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recyclarr config create


recyclarr config create [OPTIONS]


Create a starter configuration YAML file. The location of this file is the application data directory.


Visit Common Options to read about options usable by all commands.


The absolute or relative path to the YAML file you want to create. The contents will be the same, the only difference is what file the data gets written to.

Command Line Examples

# Create a starter config using the default file, `recyclarr.yml`
recyclarr config create

# Create a starter config in a specific location
recyclarr config create --path ~/myconfig.yml


Create configuration from templates instead of the built-in starter YAML configuration. This option may be specified multiple times. Each template specified will yield 1 new YAML file under the configs directory. If a file already exists with the name of the template, an error will occur.

Command Line Examples

# Create configuration from a single template
recyclarr config create --template uhd-bluray-web

# Create from multiple templates
recyclarr config create -t uhd-bluray-web -t remux-web-1080p



This is a destructive operation! Use carefully.

Overwrite any existing configuration files, if needed.

Command Line Examples

# Create config from template and overwrite existing file
recyclarr config create --template uhd-bluray-web --force