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File Structure

This page describes the general file structure used by Recyclarr for its data. Many of these are platform-specific.

Application Data Directory

The application data directory is the root location for Recyclarr's files. Everything that Recyclarr reads or writes, by default, starts with this path.

MacOS~/Library/Application Support/recyclarr

Default YAML Configuration Files

Configuration files may be located in multiple places, each documented in the sections that follow. For all supported locations, the following behavior applies:

  • All methods may be used together and all corresponding YAML files will be loaded.
  • You don't have to use all locations; you can choose only the ones you want to use.
  • If at least one configuration file is not found, it will result in an error.
  • All YAML files must have the yml or yaml extension.

File: recyclarr.yml

The default YAML configuration file is named recyclarr.yml and it is always located in the application data directory (listed above based on platform). Example (using docker path):


Directory: configs

Under the application data directory, there is a subdirectory named configs in which you can place any number of configuration YAML files. This system works especially well in Docker, where you don't really have an easy way to specify custom CLI arguments. The following requirements must be met:

  • All files must have the .yml or .yaml extension in order to be recognized.
  • Every single YAML file placed here will be loaded as if every file were specified in the --config command line argument. This behavior is non-recursive; meaning if you place YAML files in subdirectories under configs/, they will not be loaded.
  • The names of the files are unimportant and can be whatever you want.
  • Include templates should not be placed in this directory; only real configuration files are supported here.