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YAML Includes


Recyclarr-Specific Terms

  • Include Template
    A type of template that may only be included.

  • Config Template
    A type of template that may only be used as a configuration file. It cannot be included. May be created with the config create command.

  • Include Directive
    A specific method of including a YAML file (e.g. config: myfile.yml). The reference docs contain a comprehensive list of all include directives.

YAML-Specific Terms

Most of these definitions were taken verbatim from the official YAML glossary. This list of terms is not comprehensive. It only touches on terms that are relevant to understanding Recyclarr's include YAML merge behavior.

  • Sequence
    A sequence is a collection that is an ordered list of 0 or more nodes.

    - one
    - two
    - three
  • Mapping
    A mapping is a collection that consists of a set of 0 or more key/value pairs. In YAML, both the key and the value can be any kind of node.

    one: "one value"
    two: 2
    three: "3"
  • Scalar
    A scalar is a node that consists of a single value unit. Strings, numbers and boolean values are examples of scalar nodes. In the example below, the value true is considered a scalar value.

    delete_old_custom_formats: true

Include YAML Schema

Unlike configuration files, YAML that is included uses a simplified schema (structure). Normally, in a typical configuration file, you have a structure like this:

base_url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: the_key

- trash_ids:
- id1
- id2

Since included YAML is only capable of adding information to specific instance configurations, they do not contain a service type (e.g. radarr) or an instance name (e.g. instance_name). If we convert the above example into a YAML file that may be included, it would look like this:

- trash_ids:
- id1
- id2

You essentially start an include file as if it's everything under instance_name. The properties base_url and api_key have been omitted for reasons described later.

Include Precedence

Recyclarr handles includes using the following rules:

  1. Includes are processed from top to bottom, in order. Configuration is merged using specific strategies discussed in the sections Merge Operations and Merge Reference.
  2. The root configuration is merged into the final, aggregated include configuration data. Root configuration YAML always takes precedence over included YAML.

Merge Behavior

Merge behavior is described in terms of two sides: A and B. Side A typically represents the current merged state of the included YAML at any point. Side B is the YAML data to include next.

As Recyclarr visits each node in included YAML, it decides what to do based on the following logic.

  1. If B has a node but not A, then it takes the node from B.
  2. Otherwise, if A has a node but not B, then it takes the node from A.
  3. Otherwise, if both sides (A and B) have the same node, then a pre-determined Merge Operation is used.

Recyclarr uses Merge Operations to decide how to aggregate (combine/merge) YAML data that exists in two YAML files. These operations are important to understand as they are used in the Merge Reference section that follows.

Before getting into the specifics of each operation, it's important to understand some YAML-specific terminology. See the Terminology section to learn more.


This merge operation involves concatenating two sequences together. As such, it only applies to sequences. The end result is B is simply appended to A. The example below demonstrates the behavior for the sequences under custom_formats.

# A
- trash_ids:
- 496f355514737f7d83bf7aa4d24f8169 # TrueHD Atmos
- 2f22d89048b01681dde8afe203bf2e95 # DTS X

# B
- trash_ids:
- 570bc9ebecd92723d2d21500f4be314c # Remaster
- eca37840c13c6ef2dd0262b141a5482f # 4K Remaster
- e0c07d59beb37348e975a930d5e50319 # Criterion Collection

# A + B
- trash_ids:
- 496f355514737f7d83bf7aa4d24f8169 # TrueHD Atmos
- 2f22d89048b01681dde8afe203bf2e95 # DTS X
- trash_ids:
- 570bc9ebecd92723d2d21500f4be314c # Remaster
- eca37840c13c6ef2dd0262b141a5482f # 4K Remaster
- e0c07d59beb37348e975a930d5e50319 # Criterion Collection


A join involves two sequences of mappings. Based on some key, such as a name property, two sequences are joined together. If sequence B has a key that matches any key in sequence A, then those two mappings are combined (see Union). For mappings in sequence B that have no match, the behavior is effectively the same as Add.

# A
- name: Bluray|WEB-1080p
score_set: sqp-1-1080p

# B
- name: Bluray|WEB-1080p
min_format_score: 1000
- name: Remux + WEB 1080p
min_format_score: 0

# A + B
- name: Bluray|WEB-1080p
min_format_score: 1000
score_set: sqp-1-1080p
- name: Remux + WEB 1080p
min_format_score: 0


A union involves combining two mappings together. Matching properties (keys) in the mapping have their own merge operations that might be a replace, add, join, or another union (recursive). It depends on the type of the nodes (properties) and which merge operation is assigned to that node.

# A
type: movie

# B
preferred_ratio: 0.5

# A + B
type: movie
preferred_ratio: 0.5


A replace operation results in B completely overwriting (replacing) A. This can happen to any YAML node type, but typically applies to scalars.

# A
delete_old_custom_formats: true

# B
delete_old_custom_formats: false

# A + B
delete_old_custom_formats: false

Merge Reference

This section documents the merge operation used for all configuration values. Note that this first table just covers top-level properties for instance configuration. If nested properties have merge semantics, those will be documented in later sections. This will especially be the case for union operations.

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Quality Definition

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Quality Profiles

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Merge operations for properties of upgrade:

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Merge operations for properties of reset_unmatched_scores:

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Media Naming


Under media_naming:

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Under episodes:

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation


Under media_naming:

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Under movie:

Property NameNode TypeMerge Operation

Unsupported Properties

The following properties are not supported for inclusion. If these properties are present in included YAML data, you will usually see a warning message printed to the console.

  • base_url
  • api_key
  • include

Merge Details

Some properties (nodes) require further explanation to understand the reason why they use a particular merge operation. Each of the sub-sections here provide those explanations. There are links from the Merge Reference tables to these sections as well.

Quality Profile Qualities

Even though qualities is a YAML Sequence, it uses a Replace merge operation. The reason for that has to do with the fact that qualities are very "high-stakes". This means that changes to your qualities have the ability to impact your entire media library. So it's important to make sure that include directives don't make your qualities list difficult or confusing to get right. While Recyclarr certainly could support some sort of "Join" / "Add" combination of behavior for the list of qualities, doing so would not only be confusing but very error-prone.

If two lists of qualities were combined together, the user would not have the ability to specify the relative ordering of those qualities. "Add" merge operations are a simple "A + B" concatenation. That is to say, qualities you add would simply be appended to the bottom of the list. You couldn't order them any other way.

So, even though a "Replace" operation may yield more redundancy (you have to specify qualities from an included YAML that you otherwise don't care about), it's safer because you can see the entire list of qualities in one place and can ensure the ordering is exactly as you expect.

Custom Formats

The primary purpose of using a Join merge operation for custom_formats is to facilitate user overrides of custom format scores that come from included YAML files. The join operates on quality profile names as the key.

If a custom format is assigned to the same quality profile on both side A and B, the CF on side A is removed from the custom_formats list and the version on side B is kept. This ensures that whatever score is set (or not set, if the user wanted the default instead) acts as an override.

To demonstrate this behavior, see the example below which involves two files: include.yml and config.yml.

# include.yml
- trash_ids:
- abc
- xyz
- name: profile1
- name: profile2

# config.yml
- config: include.yml

- trash_ids:
- abc
- name: profile1
score: 50

After the two files above are merged, the custom_formats list will effectively be:

- trash_ids:
- xyz
- name: profile1
- name: profile2

- trash_ids:
- abc
- name: profile2

- trash_ids:
- abc
- name: profile1
score: 50

Tips & Information

Include File Structure

This section covers the currently recommended file structure for local YAML includes.

Recyclarr does not recursively scan for configuration YAML files in the configs subdirectory. This means that you can structure local include YAML files into subdirectories inside configs. This allows the convenient usage of relative paths when using the config include directive.

As an example, consider this file structure:

└── configs/
├── includes/
│ └── reusable.yml
└── my-config.yml

And the my-config.yml file has the following include directives:

- config: includes/reusable.yml

Because we have our includes within the configs directory, we can easily access them with a relative path. And since those includes are under a subdirectory, Recyclarr will not scan them and treat them as top-level configuration YAML files.