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Manual Installation


The following dependencies are required on all platforms.


Simply download the latest release for your platform using the table below. The download itself is just an archive (ZIP on Windows and tarball on mac/linux) with a single executable in it. You may put this executable anywhere you want and run it.

Windows---x64, arm64
Linuxarmx64, arm64
Mac OS---x64, arm64

The above links are from the latest release on the releases page. Feel free to visit there for release notes, additional architectures and platforms, and older releases.

Linux & macOS Installation

Before You Start

If you follow these instructions, the following tools are required.

tar, xz, wget

Copy the URL to the specific download you want in the table above. Use this URL in the following command. You can even put this URL in your ~/.bashrc or similar to set it every time you log in.

export RECYCLARR_URL="Paste_URL_Here"

With the above variable set, run the command below to download & install/upgrade. The --overwrite option is necessary for upgrades so that the command may replace any existing recyclarr binary.

wget "$RECYCLARR_URL" -O - | sudo tar xJ --overwrite -C /usr/local/bin

It is recommended to install Recyclarr to /usr/local/bin because, on most platforms, this path is already in $PATH by default. This allows you to use the recyclarr command without much fuss. You are, of course, welcome to install Recyclarr anywhere you want.