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Version 8.0 (Unreleased)


Version 8 has not been released yet.

Features have been removed or behavior changed. Most of the items here would have been deprecated in the past. Deprecations are always mentioned in release notes for feature releases.

Dedicated Includes Directory

The root directory for relative local include paths has changed. Previously, relative paths provided to the config include directive were rooted in ${appdatadir}/configs. Putting includes in the configs directory is no longer supported. Going forward, all includes should reside in ${appdatadir}/includes.

Migrating to the new directory is simple. Simply cut & paste any subdirectories containing include template YAML files to the new includes subdirectory. Assume you have the current structure:

├── configs/
│ ├── config1.yml
│ ├── config2.yml
│ └── local/
│ ├── my-include1.yml
│ └── my-include2.yml
└── includes/

An empty top-level includes will be created for you by Recyclarr. In the example above, we need to move the local directory to this top-level includes directory. The final structure should look like this:

├── configs/
│ ├── config1.yml
│ └── config2.yml
└── includes/
└── local/
├── my-include1.yml
└── my-include2.yml

By doing this, the relative paths in your templates section does not need to change:

- config: local/my-include1.yml
- config: local/my-include2.yml

Recommended File Structure Changes (Optional)

If you followed the recommended file structure for your includes, then chances are you already have a configs/include directory. To avoid having the path look weird, such as includes/include/my-include1.yml, it is recommended that you remove the intermediate include directory or rename it. For example, you could change this:

- config: include/my-include1.yml
- config: include/my-include2.yml


- config: my-include1.yml
- config: my-include2.yml

And have your filesystem change from:

├── configs/
│ ├── config1.yml
│ └── config2.yml
└── includes/
└── include/
├── my-include1.yml
└── my-include2.yml

To this:

├── configs/
│ ├── config1.yml
│ └── config2.yml
└── includes/
├── my-include1.yml
└── my-include2.yml