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Recyclarr can substitute secret values within your YAML configuration files. This keeps sensitive values out of your configuration files and enables configuration sharing without you having to remember to manually redact each time.

Specify secrets with a secrets.yml located in your application data directory.

The following rules apply:

  • Secrets can be used in both the Recyclarr config and settings files.
  • Only one secrets file is supported.
  • This file is optional and does not need to exist in order for Recyclarr to work properly.

Secrets Definition

Define secrets in secrets.yml using key/value pairs. An example secrets.yml:

sonarr_some_url: http://localhost:8989
sonarr_some_apikey: f7e74ba6c80046e39e076a27af5a8444
radarr4k_another_url: http://localhost:7878
radarr4k_another_apikey: bf99da49d0b0488ea34e4464aa63a0e5

Naming Rules

  • Keys can be named whatever you want.
  • All key names must be unique. In other words, two keys cannot have the same name.

Using Secrets

Substitute secrets within your Recyclarr configuration or settings files using !secret <key_name>. Usage example in recyclarr.yml (using the same secrets.yml example from the previous section):

base_url: !secret radarr4k_another_url
api_key: !secret radarr4k_another_apikey

Recyclarr will fail to load your configuration if there are references to keys that don't exist in the secrets.yml.

Implicitly Set Base URL and API Key

The base_url and api_key properties of each of your instance configurations can be implicitly set by following a naming convention for certain secrets:

  • Base URL: <instance_name>_base_url
  • API Key: <instance_name>_api_key

Where <instance_name> is the name of the instance in your YAML file.

Order of Precedence

If your configuration YAML file has an explicitly set api_key or base_url, those values always take precedence over any corresponding implicitly specified values in your secrets.yml. In other words, the secret values will only be used if you don't have them in your configuration file.


Suppose we have the following basic YAML configuration file:

base_url: http://localhost:7878
api_key: 2424b3643507485ea2e06382d3f0b8a3

type: movie

delete_old_custom_formats: true
replace_existing_custom_formats: true

- trash_ids:
# Audio Advanced #2
- 240770601cc226190c367ef59aba7463 # AAC
- c2998bd0d90ed5621d8df281e839436e # DD
- 8e109e50e0a0b83a5098b056e13bf6db # DTS-HD HRA

To have base_url and api_key implicitly set, so that I do not need to have them explicitly set in my configuration YAML, I define the following two secret values:

# secrets.yml
instance1_base_url: http://localhost:7878
instance1_api_key: 2424b3643507485ea2e06382d3f0b8a3

After this, I delete the api_key and base_url properties in your configuration YAML. So our example would now look like this:

# There should be no `api_key` or `base_url` here

type: movie

delete_old_custom_formats: true
replace_existing_custom_formats: true

- trash_ids:
# Audio Advanced #2
- 240770601cc226190c367ef59aba7463 # AAC
- c2998bd0d90ed5621d8df281e839436e # DD
- 8e109e50e0a0b83a5098b056e13bf6db # DTS-HD HRA